Hiya Hiya | Alfombrillas antideslizantes y llave

Hiya Hiya | Alfombrillas antideslizantes y llave



Las alfombrillas antideslizantes HiyaHiya sirven para fijar y apretar las agujas intercambiables y los cables de manera rápida y fácil,  y se pueden usar junto con la llave para cables.

La llave para cables es una herramienta fantástica, especialmente diseñada para trabajar con los cables más finos y los pequeños adaptadores de agujas. La llave para cables se introduce en los agujeritos de los extrmos para apretar y juntar el cable y la aguja, creando de esta manera una unión suave y segura. Juntos son un accesorio indispensable para sacar el máximo provecho de tus agujas intercambiables HiyaHiya.

Los colores pueden variar (azul, rojo y verde).


HiyaHiya Interchangeable Needle Grips, for tightening your Interchangeable Tips and Cables quickly and easily, can be used in conjunction with the Cable Key.

The Cable Key is a fantastic tool, specifically designed to work with the miniature sock cables and the small sock Tip Adapters. The Cable Key works through the lifeline holes to tighten the miniature sock cable to the small sock Tip Adapters to create a smooth and secure finish. Together they are indispensable accessories for getting the most out of your HiyaHiya interchangeables!

Colors may vary (blue, red and green).



HiyaHiya Interchangeable Needle Grips, for tightening your Interchangeable Tips and Cables quickly and easily, can be used in conjunction with the Cable Key.

The Cable Key is a fantastic tool, specifically designed to work with the miniature sock cables and the small sock Tip Adapters. The Cable Key works through the lifeline holes to tighten the miniature sock cable to the small sock Tip Adapters to create a smooth and secure finish. Together they are indispensable accessories for getting the most out of your HiyaHiya interchangeables!

Colors may vary (blue, red and green).


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HiyaHiya Interchangeable Needle Grips, for tightening your Interchangeable Tips and Cables quickly and easily, can be used in conjunction with the Cable Key.

The Cable Key is a fantastic tool, specifically designed to work with the miniature sock cables and the small sock Tip Adapters. The Cable Key works through the lifeline holes to tighten the miniature sock cable to the small sock Tip Adapters to create a smooth and secure finish. Together they are indispensable accessories for getting the most out of your HiyaHiya interchangeables!

Colors may vary (blue, red and green).



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